Summer is in full bloom in Luleå! The sun is shining, the winds are pleasant and warm and the ocean is the perfect temperature to dip you toes in, or your whole body. This is also the perfect time for excursions. Rent a bike and head out for a ride with a Swedish fika as the perfect break in the middle. Below we share or best gems in Luleå if you are looking for a summer café.
- Bergströmska gården - open until August 25
- Vikagården, Smedsbyn - open until August 18
- Hertsö miljögård, Hertsön - open until August 18
- Ullas café, Gammelstad - open until August 18.
- Systrarna Rosenskäras gårdsbutik
- Vallens turism och fritid
- Studio Valborg, Sunderbyn
- Kolarens Café, Karlsvik - open until August 11.
- Kafe Fägnan på Friluftsmuseet Hägnan i Gammelstad - open until August 11.
- Klubbviken havsbad, Sandön - Open June 22 - August 11.
- Brändö konferens - open until August 11
- Junköns café, Junkön - open until August 10.
- Avans sommarcafé, Avan - Open June 17 juni until the middle of week 32.
- Kajen Bar & Bistro, Karlsvik - open until the first week of August.
- Ralph Lundstensgården, Ersnäs
- Ale Kvarn Café, Ale - Opens on June 21 and open during July.
- Café Gäddviksgården, Gäddvik - Open July 1-28
- Kängsön café, Kängsön
- Kallax gårdsbutik, Kallax - open on Wednesdays and Saturdays in July.
The list is updated continuously.
With reservation for changes. Please check websites and social media for specific opening hours.