Cycling friendly

Luleå is considered one of the ten most cycling friendly places in all of Sweden. When it comes to traditional, urban cycling there is a welldeveloped network of routes that will take you around the city and to most places you might want to visit. The city has about 170 km of cycling routes. Luleå is also a part of the network, Svenska Cykelstäder (Swedish Cycling Cities), a network working to promote cycling in Swedish cities and towns.


Luleå is known as a paradise for fatbike enthusiasts. The fatbike is an all-terrain bicycle with extremely wide tyres that allow it to easily navigate rough terrain. A mire or a large stone field is no match for a fatbike.

Mountain bike

Racks for off-road cycling are found on Ormberget, in Karlsvik and in Måttsund. There are trails for both beginners and experienced cyclists alike.