
See & do

Experience our seasonal contrasts – from snow, cold temperatures and a frozen sea in winter – to sunshine, warmth and midnight sunlight in summer. Treat yourself to time for culture – visit the world heritage Gammelstad church town. Engage in play and adventure – both outdoors and indoors.

What do you want to do?

Let's find your next adventure! Experience Luleå – all year round!

Summer adventures

There is much to discover and explore around Luleå on your own. For those of you who want to hike, cycle, paddle and fish, we have compiled our favorite places and tours in thematic guides.

Kräftfiske Råneå Älv D75 0280

Råneå and Vitå river valleys

Pick and choose among fine excursion destinations!

The wide and untouched forest landscape of the river valleys invites you to different experiences and variety. There are also several culturally and historically interesting places to visit here. Let the adventures take their time, there are plenty of campsites and rest stops to stop at.

Råneå and Vitå river valleys
Brändöskär Vy 3090 Alf Arne Harjo Friköpt

Luleå archipelago

There are 1 312 ever-changing islands in the Luleå archipelago, shaped by weather and wind, midwinter cold and the magical summertime midnight light. This vast archipelago, near the city, is well-preserved and tranquil. An experience for everyone and for all the senses.

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Camping in Luleå

To wake up to a view over the water, surrounded by woodland and birdsong. There are excellent opportunities for camping here.