See & do


Norrbottensteatern is a theatre for the whole county of Norrbotten. The theatre was established in 1967 and held its first premiere that same year. Nowadays they put up six to seven shows each year as well as guest plays, theatre lunches and talks. 

In 1986 Norrbottensteatern moved into the, then brand new, theatre house in the middle of Luleå. Here you'll find three stages, an atelier, a carpentry, a smithy, costume room, mask and wig workshop and a sound stage.

Visit their website for current shows.

Nearest bus stop:


Teaterhuset Kvall1920x1080 1
Pexels Wendy Wei 1916818
820X403nbt Midvinter Kvall Webb


N:a Strandgatan
97239 Luleå


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