See & do

Teknikens Hus

Norrbotten's Science Center is suitable for all ages. Explore and learn more about deep mines and outer space, the food of Norrbotten or what makes our region a perfect place for a data center. You can drive and operate a truck, a train, a snow-scooter, a timber loader or an airplane. And much more. Why not enter the world of VR and experience a shift in the mines or at the steel mill?

When visiting Teknikens Hus parking is free of charge. State the car's registration number at reception.

Visit for more information.

Nearest bus stop:

Universitetsentrén/Porsö centrum

Torsdag TH Invigning HR 1666
20230314 261
Teknikens Hus Utställning Lastbil 02


Teknikens Hus Väg
97754 Luleå


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