
Art walk in Luleå

Welcome to participate in an art walk in Luleå, part of the Luleå Biennale's closing program.

During the last week of the Luleå Biennale, parts of the exhibitions in Luleå, Boden, Kiruna, Jokkmokk are activated. You can find the entire program on the Luleåbiennalen's website

Together we walk through the city and discover the works that are out in the city space, such as Community Art Tent by PhosPHATE and UMA's installation, with a visit to Galleri Syster where  Fadlabi's works are displayed.

We meet at the entrance to the Art gallery in Kulturens hus.


Sunday 26 May 15:00 - 16:30
Konstvandring i Luleå
Konstvandring i Luleå


Konsthallen i Kulturens Hus
Skeppsbrogatan 17
97231 Luleå



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