
Conversation with the Sámi Architecture Association

Welcome to listen to talks together with the Sámi Architecture Association in the art gallery, as part of the closing program of the Luleå Biennale.

During the last week of the Luleå Biennale, parts of the exhibitions in Luleå, Boden, Kiruna, Jokkmokk are activated. You can find the entire program on the Luleå Biennale's website.

Sámi Architecture Association
Thoughts about a Sami architecture organization have previously appeared among Sami architects in conversations initiated by the Sami architect Joar Nango, but no such organization exists yet. The project Sámi Architecture Association, organized by Evelina Sarapää, intends to resume these conversations and bring together Sámi architects and other stakeholders to jointly think about possible content, roles and structures within such an organization.

This initiative aims to promote collective exchange, mutual learning and collaboration among Sami architects and other stakeholders. Furthermore, the initiative aims to collect and create ideas around how cultural, social and spatial Sami perspectives on architecture can garner increased recognition within a wider architectural discourse and influence ongoing transformations of the natural and built environments in and outside of Sápmi.

The exhibition contains testimonies from Sami architects from all over Sápmi who answered questions posed by Sarapää. This inquiry has contributed to reflections on Sami architecture, the role of Sami architects and what a Sami architecture organization could symbolize and implement.


Sunday 26 May 13:00 - 14:00
Samtal med Sámi Architecture Association
Samtal med Sámi Architecture Association


Konsthallen i Kulturens Hus
Skeppsbrogatan 17
97231 Luleå


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