Get around
Luleå Lokaltrafik
LLT, will take you around the city. An LLT infopoint can be found on Smedjegatan 13, in the city centre. Download their app and you can easily plan your journey. Read more at:
Länstrafiken operate bus lines all over Norrbotten County. Buses are available to Alvik, Ersnäs and Bälinge. More information can be found at:
Archipelago tour boats
In summer and autumn, tour boats will take you to the largest and most popular islands in the Luleå archipelago: Sandön, Hindersön, Junkön, Kluntarna, Småskär and Brändöskär. This way you will also reach the Luleå Council cottages, Jopikgården on Hindersön and Klubbviken on Sandön. The tour boats depart from Luleå’s South Harbour. Schedule and more information available online: