Luleå Lokaltrafik

Luleå Lokaltrafik's buses transport you around the central parts of the municipality. The main bus stop is called Smedjegatan/City and is located next to the Smedjan Galleria mall and crosses Storgatan.

Tickets are paid by card on the bus or with the "Luleå Lokaltrafik" app. There are also sales representatives in several locations. At LLT info at Smedjegatan 13H you can get help with most matters related to your travel.

See the map of Luleå Lokaltrafik's main bus lines.

Bus timetables can be seen on Luleå Lokaltrafik's website and in the app. Luleå Lokaltrafik's buses take you to for example Gammelstad, Luleå Airport, Hertsön and Porsön.

Are you planning to transport a lot within the local traffic network?

The bus card for 72 hours is perfect if you plan to travel by local bus several times in a shorter period of time. The card gives you an unlimited number of trips during 72 hours. It applies to one person per travel occasion and costs SEK 180.

The 72 h card can be purchased as a mobile ticket in the app "Luleå Lokaltrafik" or at LLT info.

Länstrafiken's buses

Länstrafiken's buses frequent the villages outside of the central parts of Luleå and the rest of Norrbotten. The buses depart from Luleå bus station next to Luleå central station.

Bus journeys can be bought in Länstrafiken's app and with a card on the bus. Bus timetables can be seen on Länstrafiken's website

With Länstrafiken's buses, you can travel to for example Bälingeberget, Råneå, Brändön and Kallax within Luleå municipality as well as other towns in Norrbotten county such as Kiruna, Haparanda and Piteå.

Which bus should I take?

Check out Luleå's municipal map "kommunkartan" of public transport.

Did you know...

...that Luleå Lokaltrafik has been transporting Luleå residents and visitors around the city since 1923? The first tour served the city center and Svartöstaden and the bus accommodated 8 people.