Småskär is a beautiful island in the outermost part of the archipelago – when walking around the island you will experience the diversity of the archipelago. Bays with fishing villages, boathouses and sandy beaches, old-growth forest, rocks and cliffs, shingle fields, magical little lakes and rich bird life with around 40 breeding species. The oldest chapel in the archipelago was built in 1720 at Kyrkviken and is well worth a visit. The Kyrkviken fishing village was most likely established as early as the 16th century and remained in use well into the 20th century. In 1652, Queen Christina gifted Småskär to the burghers of Luleå and it was named Småskär (little islets) as it once consisted of many small islets, now grown together because of land uplift.
Småskär is the most popular island for holiday homes in the archipelago, there are about 90 holiday homes here, primarily at Bullerhamnsviken, Bolinsviken and the area surrounding Kyrkviken. The waters east of Småskär, around Månshällan and Bjässhällan, are the best place to go to in Luleå archipelago to spot seals. You'll also find several beautiful walking trails and cute little beaches here.
The tour boats dock here during summer and you can also rent cabins and stay the night at this beautiful island. There are hosts by the cabins from the Midsummer week until the middle of August. They sell kiosk goods suchs as snacks and marina fees. They also offer equipment from Fritidsbanken.
Photo: Lule-Bild